As a part of your charitable initiatives, you want to establish an old age home. Write a note for the sponsors based on the following guidelines. Reason for establishment – place – no. of old people that can be housed – facilities to be provided – grant required – people associated – working committee – finance needed on a continual basis – conclusion. (As report writing is an exercise in amplification, the candidates are required to only expand the given guidelines well, with some useful facts, figures and information . THIS INFORMATION COULD BE PROVIDED BY IMAGINATION.) As a part of our charitable initiatives, the Poorna Welfare Society, Gomti Nagar, is making efforts to establish an old age home ‘Karuna’ for the aged destitute, that will provide them with complete care and try to bring their lives out of loneliness. ‘Karuna’ will be constructed on a piece of land donated to the society last year. The land area is 3500 square feet and it is located in Viraj Khand, Gomti N...